Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Nile, Egypt

I am in the Nile River region in Egypt on my trip around the world. This place is so different from the other places I have been. The Nile is the longest river in the world. There are lots of cities and towns along the Nile River. Many of them were set up because people farmed the very fertile soil which surrounded the Nile River and the Nile Delta. I took a cruise up the river, starting from Cairo; there were many trees and birds and houses along the water. It is hot very hot here even if it is winter. And when it is winter it rains a lot and the Nile sometimes floods.

Everyday, heaps of tourists come to see the Nile River, with many boats taking tourists up and down the river. The Nile provides water for the villages and it also provides fertile land. Many Egyptians live near the Nile.

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